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How To Save Money On Digging Concrete Foundation Footings

Our operated backhoes are frequently hired by the concrete structural foundation trade around San Bernardino, Riverside, and LA County. Concrete guys love us because we focus on what's most important to them: speed and accuracy.

Superior attention to footing layout details and depth are key to a successful dig. Our experienced operators know how to attack a building without making a mess and over digging (depthwise), costing the contractor extra concrete to fill the voids.

Also, digging oneself into a corner is frowned upon. It's almost a work of art to cut the footings with precision and care. Speed is good, but accuracy is better. With the right experience, as we have, the contractor can keep moving forward with a project on schedule while keeping material costs low.

Lourenco Backhoe offers knowledgable backhoe operators who dig for all concrete applications. From small home foundations to high rise structures, we're the right company at the right price.

Call 909-499-6368 today for a Free Quote!


Field: 909-499-6368 - Office: 909-499-6379




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